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Musicians / Drummers
Drummer, singer, amateur songwriter
Gender Not Set
Born Jan 27, 1977
(47 years old)
26100 Rauma
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Joined: 12-Nov 03
Profile Views: 733*
Last Seen: Sun 5 Feb 2006, 16:05
Local Time: Thu 19 Dec 2024, 15:25
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Well, I'm just getting started with my 12" PowerBook and if I understood correctly I should get a external HD because the one on the PB is too slow.
Now the question is that is the 120GB LACIE D2 suitable for audio recording?
I'm also planning on buying a EDIROL PCR-50 and if I understood correctly that's a pretty good MIDI keyboard?
Now the only thing left is to find a good audio interface with reasonable price...any suggestions?
Well a rookie needs help...I've bought (well actually I'll propably get it this week) a 12" PowerBook and now I'm looking for a sequecer and a audio/midi interface.
I'm mainly interested in Logic and I was looking for a A62m with it but now I ran into a M-Audio firewire 410. So are there any experiences about using FireWire410 with OSX and Logic6?
thanks for your advice!
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