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Joined: 13-Dec 01
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Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 05:21
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Hi Guys will willingly help in translating technical stuff, tables etc from french to english. can also add data and experience if desired, some stuff could maybe do with updating (Mac Audio card table for example) Having been asked to write Long , horribly complicated replies to single queries, i figure it may be more sensible to write them as articles, then the forum moderators can point people to them when they ask the same question. Have experience in a wide range of Audio disciplines and Computers. (do Whinedoze as well as Mac OS) Logic and cubase and Protools, Macs from a Mac classic upto a G4 Dp 1Ghz. All sorts of interfaces, scsi devices , firewire, blah blah. Best regards to all , and thanks for the Grand Job you do. max.hodges@ntlworld.com UK based Still interested in Mac muso club ideas as well.
Hi Chaps Have noticed a fair number of people on many Mac forums are based in my vicinity. So i wondered whether a locally based Club/society/union, might be of interest and use to us.? Im based in OXFORD uk. Along with several other Mac heads. I'd be interetsted to hear from anyone who thought a locally based informal Club type thing would be cool, or not as the case may be. Forums are Great, but they lack immediacy and social interaction. So anyone Up for a beer? This should apply equally to Newbies and seasoned Pros. (no I'm not a newbie, ive been Mac'ced up for several years (I still have a Mac classic and LC 475 in my loft!) I'm willing to help others, so why not start a bit of 'on the Ground' networking chaps.! you can contact me at max.hodges@ntlworld.com
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