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32708 Winter Springs
United States
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Joined: 27-Nov 01
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Last Seen: Thu 21 Aug 2003, 02:00
Local Time: Sat 8 Mar 2025, 00:46
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Hi, I have a problem. I am trying to get my Audio Media III card to work properly in Cubase 5.0 VST. What happens is this... I record guitar fine thru the analog in's, guitar plays fine out of the Analog out's once or twice then...nothing no sound comes out of the card ...and no sound goes in (i.e. the record monitor levels dont move). Any suggestions would be welcomed. I have tried Cubase.net but I think they are mainly PC users because not one person responded. Thanks david
I this intermittent dilemma: When i open any music apps (Cubase, Reason Logic), I get this messsage: Printer Port in use by another application--Use anyways or Dont use.
Either way I go, the printer port cant be selected as a midi port and all the normal midi info is dumped onto the modem port.*(yuck) I am running Beige G3 300mhz OS9 desktop with obviously serial ports. I have OMS installed, same problem with or without it. I have tried everything I can think of short of a clean install.
Here are things I have tried: 1.Sometimes occassionally, (if the universe is willing), If i run Disk First Aid and select repair,( First Aid quits all running apps before repairing anything) whatever was grabbing the printer port stops. 2.run MAC OS Base from Extension Manager 3.deleted contents of preference folder 4. rebuilt desktop 5.yelled at it for sucking creative juice and wasting time problem solving.
I need help, Any suggestions, websites or magic genies would be so appreciated that i will bestow enlightenment upon you at your deathbed.:)Lengthy post but I am desperate and want to create some music with no glitches. Thanks
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