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Musicians / Composers
Into Electronica music for at least 10 years now. Biggest influence is UNDERWORLD, Into trance and ambient too. Open to collaborate with UK of French Djs. Have been very successful in Europe.
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Born June 5, 1969
(55 years old)
90069 Los Angeles
United States
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Joined: 10-Sep 03
Profile Views: 1,871*
Last Seen: Wed 31 May 2006, 23:51
Local Time: Sun 15 Dec 2024, 07:35
9 posts (0 per day)
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Just wanted to know can the LexiconPro Omega work with Reason 2.5 on a Mac? I am running MAC OS X and want to put down some vocals and guitar. Any suggestions for those that have this unit or experience. Would appreciate it. Thanks
I heard BIAS PEAK is good on Mac OS X. Want to know what other members use to record audio from outside their Mac. Am deciding which one to download. I want something that is stable and not buggy. Has the ability to record digital audio in stereo and mono. Thanks for your feedback.
Want to know what other people are using for speakers with their Powerbook. Now I am meaning quality monitors. Not "Soundsticks " or anything in that range. Please let me know.. thanks
How does Logic 6 work on Powerbooks? What kind of mido gear are you using? Just would like to know if any old PowerBook users have Logic 6 ... What are the problems if any? [FONT=Arial][SIZE=7][COLOR=blue]
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