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78613 Austin
United States
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Joined: 02-Sep 03
Profile Views: 129*
Last Seen: Tue 2 Sep 2003, 03:50
Local Time: Sat 14 Dec 2024, 17:04
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2 Sep 2003
I apologize if i am asking a question already answered somewhere on these forums, but i honestly dont know what to look for so if i missed it, again im sorry, please direct me and delete close this thread thanks.
my objective: i want to be able to record my dj sets equipment: 12" powerbook g4 and a mixer. i would like to utilize the firewire port on my powerbook to record my dj sets using a new mixer, another interface, a simple adapter, whatever it takes. basically i want to be able to bring my powerbook with my equipment and record a set. the outs on my current mixer are RCA or the red and white A/V cables. I only need a mixer with 2-3 channels so it doesnt need to be a huge peice of equipment. can anyone recommend some equipment that i can look into? any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance. |
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