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Technicians / Sound Editors

Music Editing. Reel To Reel Transfers
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Joined: 07-Jul 03
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Last Seen: Thu 30 Dec 2004, 03:39
Local Time: Thu 6 Feb 2025, 14:32
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21 May 2004
Does anyone know of a good sample rate converter for OS X?
At times, I need to convert Audio files to a different speed. (I have a 15ips tape deck, and frequently transfer 3 3/4 & 7 1/2 ips tapes on it, so they come in sounding like chip monks.)

Currently, I use r8brain ( on my Windows XP machine but that involves converting the audio to .wav, transferring the files to the windows machine, converting them, transferring them back to my MAC, importing into my DAW. (DP 4.12)

The files are recorded at 44.1k 16 bit on my DAW. I move them to r8brain, resample to 176400 (for 3/3/4 ips tapes) with the sample rate set to 44.1k. Works like a charm.

I have not been able to find one for MAC that works like this. I did try Sample Manager, but was unsuccessful in getting the conversions to work properly. Couldn't seem to figure out how to get the resampled file to play at the right speed back in my DAW, like it does after the r8brain treament.
Any help is appreciated. MOTU tells me to buy a new interface that can handle 176400. Yeah right. This is so simple but I just can't find a good MAC equivalent to r8brain. Did I mention "free" would be good - like r8brain?
12 Sep 2003
OK - I think I'm going crazy. I have an old reel tape that I'm transferring into DP4.1
Due to several factors, the audio is backwards. I need to simply reverse the audio file in DP4. I've done this very easily in the past but can't seem to be able to find the command to do it now. It's driving me crazy - help!!1
8 Jul 2003
Anybody using the Mach Five sampler yet? Is it available? I know MOTU had said available end of June but you know them....
7 Jul 2003
Newbie to this forum.
I'm running DP 4 ond OS X 10.2.6.
Let me preface this - all my MIDI devices are working just fine with one problem.
This may be a stupid question.
When I set up my MIDI environment in OS X Audio/Midi set up, I descibe my equipment, cables etc. etc.
When in DP4, I have no option to choose or change patches on any MIDI device. Since there were no pre-defined units to choose from in Audio/MIDI set up, I'm assumming there is no patch list information anywhere. I would think that I would at least get a defaualt Patch 1, Patch 2 etc. drop down list in DP4 when I click either the patch colum or the default patch column in the sequence window. The clicks do not do anything. I have no option to choose anything. The only thing I can do is select the device and MIDI channel, and then manually dial up the sound from the front panel of my MIDI device - major step backwards.
1. Is there a place to define my patches?
2. Why am I not seeing a drop down list of default (patch 1, patch 2 etc.) pathces for any instrument?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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