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Technicians / Sound Engineers - Film

Independent Filmmaker. Active in England, Italy and the U.S.A. Please visit
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Joined: 12-Jun 03
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20 Jun 2004
Hi all,

my name's Matteo Prezioso, and I am a London-based independent filmmaker, as well as a macmusic member.

Apologies in advance for what might, will look as a way-too-basic question for you. I have been a guitar player for years. I know have decided to record a few tracks on my laptop to then give for further developing to my composer(s).
I basically am trying to record my guitar 'straight' to my Mac (iBook). I've been given some advice on how to do that, and though I've got now the proper gear, I still cannot, so to speak, see the light.
Apologies if my language is too down-to-earth, but I am just trying to expain exactly what I've been doing. I hope for some technical help.

I've got an iBook G3 800Htz 612 RAM (with Cubase SX Mac OS X 10.3 Panther), a Behringer UB802 as external mixer, and an iMic as USB stereo device. Funnily enough Cubase SX (not the version 2.0) seems to work fine, though I have never properly used. Yet again, it runs fine. What follows is that I have done so far.

I have connected the mixer to the iMic by using 'tape out' on the Behringer with a stereo L/R cable (I have not used the 'main out' because I don't have the proper jack size.
Then, I have inserted the other end of the cable to the iMic INPUT. From there, I've connected the iMic to the iBook via USB.
I've opened system preferences on my iBook (I've got MAC OS X Panther 10.3) Opened INPUT and selected 'iMic USB audo system'. Then opened OUTPUT and done the same (i.e. selected 'iMic USB audio system'). I've then opened again input, and checked that the sound does go through the Mac by seeing the leds going up and down on the system preferences' sound's 'input levels'. Which looks good to me for there is no led up, downs when selecting selecting 'internal - built in - michrophone'. So far so good.
I've opened Cubase SX. And it's here - I believe - that I am getting something wrong. No matter what I try, everything seems dead. No colour leds moving up and downs, etc. I have never used Cubase, and so I don't really know what I am doing wrong. But I've been trying for quite some time, unsuccessfully. I just need to know if I have missed some important step here and there. Any idea?

Finally. I am always interested in collaborations for my films. If interested let me know and I'l llet you know more about upcoming projects, and the ones done already to which you can have a look on the web.


Matteo Prezioso
So What! Films - London
Email: sowhatfilms[who happen to be at]
14 Mar 2004
Jup, just a quick one.

Would that be possible to install a G4 card into my G3 ibook?

Any feedback would be more than appreciated.


matteo preZioso
So What! Films - London
14 Mar 2004
Dear all,

I am a London-based, happy owner of an iBook G3 800Htz 700RAM, which surprisingly enough (and touching wood) has never let me down. So far, that is. I am now about to buy an external hard drive, mainly to import music, video and photo files.
Searching around I have found the "LaCie d2 model 320Gb Big Disk FireWire 7200rpm".
I work exclusively in Mac OS X Phanter, though I have Mac OS 9.2.2 installed.
I need to know whether I might have any kind of problems in connecting the above mentioned LaCie external hard Drive to my iBook.
I am an indenpendet filmmaker, and would use it mainly to import video files (to be edited vie FCP3), photo editing through Photoshop CS, and recording music. At this regard, I still don't have music music software to run on MAc OS X Phanter, considering I have a G3 processor.
Do you have any idea on that? If so, I can't wait too hear from you. If not, apologies!

Ciao now,

matteo preZioso
So What! Films - London
7 Mar 2004
Dear Mac Addicts,

I really hope you can help me out on that. I NEED HELP!!
I am an indipendent London-based filmmaker. I have recently finished working on a few projects on mine which I am also writing the music score for. In my spare time I play electric guitar; never done through my Mac, but I have finally decided to give it a try.
Moreover, I have recently received in form of a gift AmpliTube Live 1.0.1. I haven't tried it yet. Been Told it works with Pro Tool installed.
Now, this is my system configuration: iBook G3 800Htz, 512MB RAM, not audio IN.
I really need some good-hearted out there to give me a fair indication on what I need to have my laptop up and running.
Basically, I would lik to know:
A) How do I connect my iBook to my U.S. Fender Stratocaster? Not having my g3 iBook an AUDIO IN/OUT device, what audio IN device do I need? (don't be shy: give me model, spcs, price, etc.)
B) What version of Pro Tools do I need to have my G3 (running on Mac OS X Panther) being able to use AmpliTube Live 1.0.1.?
I thank you already, and please forgive me if this msg sounds so silly (it sure does to me...)

You can post your suggestions, or email me directly at:

Best regards,

matteo preZioso
So What! Films - London
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