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Born May 24, 1973 (51 years old)
064-0802 Chuo-ku Sapporo-shi
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4 Jun 2003
ok... here is my deal.

i've been producing audio professionally for a bit over a decade, always on the mac and outboard gear. and i've been a mac user since summer of '84.

as far as sequencing is concerned, i am pretty much covered. i've owned and upgraded cubase for years, and i even have logic 5, which i want to / need to / will upgrade to 6 within the next few weeks.

for multitrack audio editing, i have been using sound edit 2. i know... it's old as hell, seeing as how it hasn't even been updated since 1996, but in all honesty, i really felt for audio editing (outside of midi stuff) it really did the trick for my multitrack waveform editing. (outside of music production, i have also done sound effects work for a games studio - and multitracking is essential.)

but here is my problem.

since i migrated to osx (when jaguar came out) every now and then os9 problems would creep up here and there. and with each new update of osx, more problems would appear. i managed to successfully start using osx for all my programmes except SE2, as i don't know of any good multitrack editors for osx. but then a terrible thing happened...

last week a few days before a live show here in tokyo, my sound edit would not open when i booted from os9. i reinstalled the app, and no luck. and yes, i trashed preferences, etc. i spent a few hours playign with every conceivable extension etc, and no luck. for some reason it would run through os9 in classic mode though osx, btu there is ALWAYS latency issues when running memory intensive audio apps in os9 through osx - but i am sure you already know that.

now, since i have updated to the newest osx, i have found out that the rumours of phasing out osx are pretty much true... i can't even boot my powerbook 800 from the os9 install disc to try and do a new install. i even tried themost recent version of os9 and no luck. so pretty much my os9 days with sound edit are now officially over and done with forever.


so this leads me here to you informed people. what can i use which will act like sound edit? i need a nice multitrack audio editor, complete with time stretch, etc. i really don't care about MIDI, as i got cubase - and soon logic 6 - to take care of that.

what i liked about sound edit was the fact that i saw all my waveforms all lined up with each other. cubase just doesn't feel right, and for trying to do audio editing, it's way too inefficient.

i tried out peak, which is pretty good - but it's only stereo. feels just like sound edit, sans the multitrack support. so i tried deck from a friend, but i can't even get the files to view properly from the library, so importing my aif files to edit them seems to do me ZERO good.

so now i am considering going with pro tools, as everything i have read on these forums suggests that dp4 focuses on MIDI with some audio support, and pt6 focuses on audio with MIDI support. it may seem like overkill to have logic and protools, etc... but i really want to know which is best for me. and i really don't know much about all these new audio and MIDI interfaces... which is a question i should pose in that forum...

anyways, i think you know my situation well enough so i'll shut up now.

in short, my questions are as follows:
1) is there a good multitrack audio editor for osx?
2) am i missing something in bias peak which allows you to add multiple tracks?
3) am i having problems with bias deck that others are not having?
4) can people who have been using PT6 tell me their experiences?
5) since i am doing my audio (currently) on my laptop - will and mbox be enough - ro do i need to bite the bullet and get the digi002 (or can digi 001 work with a PB?)
6) should i just jump off a bridge and end my miserable existence?

thanks in advance.

PS - i alao ask a lot of these questions because i moved to japan a little less than a year ago, and it's not exactly easy to find help to my questions at stores or with other musicians - IN ENGLISH.
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Lo-Fi Version - Tue 4 Mar 2025, 16:45
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