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Musicians / Keyboard Players
Amatuer musician trying to get back in to midi after a 9 year break!
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Born Oct 12, 1971
(53 years old)
B37 7NX Birm
United Kingdom
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Joined: 12-May 03
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Last Seen: Wed 28 May 2003, 02:05
Local Time: Wed 18 Dec 2024, 12:14
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Hi there! I am new to midi but have the keyboards and a Mac G3. I am interested in getting a copy of Cubase VST but am unsure of how to connect properly. I have seen midi interfaces advertised but the one's i mainly see are all of the USB type. Can I use a usb type to connect my keyboards (Yamaha DJX and Novation Bass station) to my G3? I have 2 usb sockets in my G3 and I'm running Mac OS8.6 . The VST handbook only seems to mention the modem/printer connection port and not the usb. I've seen a cheap usb midi interface for £50 (I'm on a bit of a budget!) but can I use it without any problems? Please help me out as I'm dying to get started up! Many thanks to anyone who will help me out!!!
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