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30319 Atlanta
United States
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Joined: 05-May 03
Profile Views: 370*
Last Seen: Mon 12 May 2003, 14:03
Local Time: Fri 27 Dec 2024, 15:01
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5 May 2003
I have pro tools le 5.2 up and running in os 9, but am considering moving to 6.0 for osx. Problem is, I have a ton of plugins for 5.2. Someone told me that I wouldn't be able to use any of these in 6.0. is that true?
5 May 2003
I just bought a titanium powerbook with 60 gig hard drive. I want to partition it so that I can run both osx (for general use) and os9.1 (for pro tools le, and other audio apps.)
More specifically, I will need space for approximately this OS9(Audio) - Pro Tools LE - Reason 2.5 - NI Absynth - NI Pro 52 - 1 or 2 other apps - A significant amount for audio storage (is 15-20 gigs alot?) OSX(General) - a few gigs for applications (games, development tools, etc.) also - about 20+ gigs for raw storage (mp3, movies, installers, etc) I don't know how to partition it though. I was thinking 3 seperate volumes, one for each os and one for raw storage. Don't know if there is a better way though. I have never done this before, so all suggestions are appreciated. Also, is there a way to partition without losing the data I already have accumulated on my drive? or do I need to backup everything. Thanks JOn |
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