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43085 Worthington
United States
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Joined: 27-Apr 03
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Last Seen: Fri 12 Aug 2005, 19:24
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 12:52
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i just picked up an 80gig owc external drive for use with my ibook g4. I have it up and running, and i know that you are supposed to keep the app(pro tools 6.4) on the internal drive, and the audio files on the external, but i was wondering if there was anything else that needed to be done in order to make things run the best, i.e., changing directories for saving files in pro tools? thanks for the help
i have been using my mbox/ibook g4 800 for about five mos. with no problems up until about a week ago, i started getting a message saying cpu usage is holding off usb audio, increase h/w buffer or remove plug-ins. i get this when my h/w buffer is already as high as it can go, and i'm only running like four tracks with no plug-ins at all. how could this be? i'm running osx 10.3/pt le 6.2.2
i'm not using an external hard drive, could this be part of the problem?
i'm using pro tools le 6.2.2 on panther, and i want to be able to just do my midi(strings) on my keyboard once, over my drum beat, and then repeat the beat and midi, but when i try to do it, certain notes get cut off of the midi info. Is there a correct way to do this? I even tried to turn midi from notes to a region, but still can't do it. thanks for the help.
i'm in grid mode, and i'm trying to select a tiny piece of audio, like one drum hit, but i don't know how to lower the scale in grid mode, so i i can only select a group of notes, like four or five, and not a single note. I know there is a way to lower the scale to 1/16th note, but i don't know how. anybody know? thanx
i can't figure out what to do with midi in pro tools. i just got a keystation 49e because it was cheap, and pro tools recognizes it, and i recorded notes, but what do i have to do to hear them. i'm assuming that i can do midi on pro tools with the mbox even though there is no midi in/out on the mbox because 1. the keyboard is plugged into my usb port on my ibook, and pro tools recognizes it, and 2. why else would digidesign ship all of this software with the mbox, like reason, and sampletank, which i believe need a midi keyboard to trigger sounds. i'm completely lost on this one, and would appreciate some help. thanks.
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