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Musicians / Arrangers
Experimental synth music freak
Gender Not Set
Born Jan 15, 1970
(55 years old)
94109 San Francisco
United States
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Joined: 22-Apr 03
Profile Views: 738*
Last Seen: Mon 28 Feb 2005, 20:30
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 08:26
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Has anyone done any testing of how well Cubase SX runs on a new OS X -based 12" PowerBook G4 867mhz? RAM variations, Superdrive, ComboDrive, amount of tracks, Soft-synths, etc? I intend to intall the maximum amount of RAM that it will take. I will probably be running an M-Audio Firewire interface with it, or maybe an Ozone controller. Any input as to how well this works prior to me making the final decision? Or should I lean toward the 15" Titanium? Will the absense of an L3 cache on the 12" model really affect performance? Portability is a factor, as is price. Then again, so is speed. Any testemonials from the field would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance...
Has anyone done any testing of how well Cubase SX runs on the new 12" PowerBook G4 867mhz? RAM variations, Superdrive, ComboDrive, amount of tracks, Soft-synths, etc? I intend to intall the maximum amount of ram that it will take. I will probably be running an M-Audio Firewire interface with it, or maybe an Ozone controller. Any input as to how well this works prior to me making the final decision? Or should I lean toward the 15" Titanium? Portability is a factor, as is price. Thanks in advance...
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