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Musicians / ~Misc
I am a visual artist, flash programmer interested in creating my own music tracks to go along with my animated works.
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Born June 16, 1959
(65 years old)
13454 Salisbury Ctr
United States
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Joined: 09-Apr 03
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Last Seen: Mon 25 Aug 2003, 15:52
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hey all..posted awhile back seeking advice. thanx to you all.... now i have Reason, which is such a dream...and i just got my new yamaha psr 225! usb cable and yee ha!
okay...so OSX sees the yamaha in system prefs, and also in the audio midi setup program. reason sees it in preferences and allows me to choose it to input to a channel.
i push the play and overdub buttons in reason (and also i have the little record icon--mute off.... but yet my midi isn't getting in!) please help! is it a setting on the keyboard i am not doing right? ????
i tried to set up a function key from the yamaha menu......but perhaps i am messing up things!
please, some guru out there! i have waited 3 months for this moment! help! i wanna PLAY!!!!!!!!!
hey all you masters of music....i am an collage artist/flash animator seeking to come up with her own sound tracks for my animations. although i have had over 15 years on the mac working in graphic/web programs, i have no experience whatsoever in the music arena. I have read a few posts but i get dizzy because i know so little!:( i assume the basics of input are similar to art however.
i would like to find out what hardware i need to be able to compose..add to...and change my own songs...here are some questions: 1) is this mode of thinking correct? you use a digi keyboard to input a basic "tune". this tune is then brought into the mac via a) the input audio on the back of the mac or b) "some hardware" maybe that MBOX box? shall i assume the mac audio is lamo or inappropriate for most needs...and i would want some other part to bring in the sound? is it necessary? me thinkin costs here...you know. 2) then a software interface is needed to bring in the tune...as in photoshop being your interface to twain up a scanner....? is this protools? logic? reason? i have seen an mbox on ebay that came with protools...makes me think this is the interface...? really lost here. 3) finally, is protools ( or whatever software...) also able to warp out these inputted tunes¿ i would like to add sounds from my house, like beer cans smacking together, and add them to my tune. what will i need to make the basic tune sound like a guitar? or a sax? or a clarinet? (please don't tell me, a sax, a clarinet and a guitar!!!!)
i know know i am lost with questions. i have looked all over for a decent "you need THIS" article, but the sheer volume of choices and equipments prevents me from finding it!
HELP!!! i am eager to melt visual and audio into one experience!
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