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10017 New York
United States
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Joined: 01-Apr 03
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Last Seen: Fri 10 Dec 2004, 21:16
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 03:50
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Right now--I use Reason and DP4.12, with various other synths and guitars. What I'm looking for is pretty simple--just a program that I can drag audio files into and that will adjust the pitch and tempo like acid (and maybe be able to synch with DP4 via rewire).
I'd like something as simple as Acid. I don't need a lot of extra stuff with it. Is there any cheap and easy software out there that does this? Thanks in advance.
First, thanks to all who chimed in on the logic big box v. cubase SL. After doing a lot more research, I'm trying to decide between logic 6 Gold and Cubase SX. I tried cubase on a pc and liked it, but from looking at the Steinberg forum, there seems to be a lot of problems w/ OSX and Cubase SX, but it's always hard to tell if the people claiming that are just a vocal minority, using a cracked copy etc. I'd be interested in hearing if people think that Cubase SX works well with Mac, or, if it is excpetionally buggy and I should stick to an Apple-owend product, or DP 4. Thanks
I have a G4 powerbook laptop w/ 512MB Ram. I'm new to mac recording--I want to do primarily midi, with some audio guitar and vocals. I want to use software-based midi instruments. Does anyone have suggestions/advice/experience regarding cubase sl versus logic's big box bundle?
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