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A beginning Musician.
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Born Mar 10, 1988
(36 years old)
94703 Berkeley
United States
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Joined: 08-Mar 03
Profile Views: 576*
Last Seen: Wed 14 Dec 2005, 04:41
Local Time: Tue 17 Dec 2024, 18:38
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I'll be using Garageband and Reason.
I want mic input, guitar input perhaps, and MIDI input (for my MIDI keyboard). The headphone output is nice too. Obviously the Audiophile USB looks like the better choice, but then the Quattro goes for about only 10 bucks more on eBay. Would it be smart to get the Quattro for that price?
And what the heck is SPDIF? (well, i know it's sony/phillips digital something) What would that mean to me?
I have a Yikes G4 with audio line-in and am seeking a Mic that I can use for professional uses as well as for iChat. It needs to have good sound quality and be able to pick up my voice from a foot or so away.
The iSight is too expensive and I can't use it for pro audio.
It needs to be cheap- I don't need a really high level one- just something I can connect to the line-in and get good sound quality.
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