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Musicians / Keyboard Players
Keyboardist, home rocording enthusiasts who does small projects. aspires to work for a major filming company.
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Born Feb 14, 1981
(43 years old)
11400 Georgetown
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Joined: 23-Feb 03
Profile Views: 834*
Last Seen: Sat 4 Mar 2006, 21:33
Local Time: Sat 25 Jan 2025, 07:59
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okay, i got my mix all done up sweetly in surround sound and it took me ages. right now i would like to know how is it possible to burn this audio track into probably a CD or DVD in surround sound format?
let's say... i'm using final cut pro or express for my video editing. is it possible for me to do a mix and a DVD video in 5.1 format?
thanx... suggestions are really appreaciated!
I have a PowerMac G4 867 Dual Processor running with 1.25Gigs of DDR RAM. i have a great offer on Digital Performer and it comes one in a lifetime. the thing is, i'm gonna spend quite a hefty sum on it and i really need to know if getting the software now is advisable or not. i'm aware that it does not support Mac OS X, but i have OS 9.2.2, so it really isn't a problem. is just don't really want to get this software and then after a few months MOTU comes up with a better software sequencer. just like when i bought my Mac, 2 months later a higher processor comes out. is it a good to go for the plunge? what other things should i look out for? currently, when i get the software, i'll use the mac line-ins until i recover slightly financially and get a outboard unit. thanx for helping... gabe
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