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Just a musician looking for some help recording on my mac....that's it!
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18603 Berwick
United States
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Joined: 21-Feb 03
Profile Views: 305*
Last Seen: Thu 6 Nov 2003, 13:37
Local Time: Tue 11 Mar 2025, 11:00
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30 Oct 2003
Hey everyone...

I have just recently purchsed the final items for a small recording studio and I am in need of a bit of help...

Here's what I have:

Mbox with Protools LE 6.1

on a:

B&W G3 500
1 Gig of Ram
20 Gig HD

Well, I finally got the Mbox this week and spend that last couple of
days getting things installed and everything hooked up. Pretty easy,
at least so far. Haven't done anything fancy or messed with the
software much beyond getting couple of tracks up and running.

But I have run into a problem I am hoping somenoe can help me with.

I am getting an error that "CPU usage is holding off USB audio -9136."
It gives a bunch of options, some of which I have tried and some of
which I don't yet understand. From Digidesigns website I see that
others have had this issue as well. Anyone here have it...and what do
I do to fix it?

I called up the CPU meter to monitor the usage and it is barely being
touched, so I don't understand the error. We aren't running anything
fancy so far as I know. Strait mics into the Mbox recording 2 tracks
with no least until after. The warning shows up what
seems to be totally randomly. Sometimes 2 seconds in, sometimes 2
minutes in.

My first thought was a CPU upgrade, but since I can't really afford it
right now, and since the CPU meter is showing plenty of room, that's
out. My other thought was to use OS 9 and Protools 5.x that also came
with the Mbox. But I have a feeling this might lead to other issues I
don't want any part of. Any thoughts on doing something like that?

Anyway, for what we could get done last night, it was pretty fun. I
appreciate any help anyone can shoot my way on this.

Thanks again,
21 Feb 2003
Here's my problem...

My brother has been bugging me to get my Mac ready for recording...I could really care less due to everything else I do on it not really leaving me time to record anything right now. So, for him, I will turn to you for assistance.

I have a DP 1Ghz QS (spring 02) with the lastest in both OS's. I would prefer to stay in OS X if possible. I need advice on software and any hardware that one might need for this endeavor.

Let me say, while my brother is a dreamer, he is definately NOT a I am, seriously, looking for the barebones of what I would need to get audio into this thing. For arguments sake, and I realize this may go against the whole 'barebones' thing, it would be cool to have multitrack capability, even 4-track would be fine. He is looking to record guitar and vocals.

Anyway, that's my problem. Any help with this would be great. Thanks for the help.

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