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Musicians / Keyboard Players
Hobbiest keyboard playeer... Band preference music: covers of soul/funk/motown The stuff I write: sequenced dance/big-beat
Born Jan 21, 1975
(50 years old)
United Kingdom
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Joined: 29-Jan 16
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Last Seen: Sun 31 Jan 2016, 12:55
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 08:27
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Hi, I see there seems to be very little discussion on the Steinberg Midex 8, and nothing recent to so this is a bit of a long-shot, but here goes anyway...
Back-story- I'm getting back into music after a 10-year absence (injury has precipitated loss of interest in mountain biking). I've dug out all my old MIDI kit, gone a little mad on eBay and then hit the wall- my ancient XP PC is a little past it now, into which I used to plug my Steinberg Midex 8.
So... I'll shortly being getting an iMac, but I see on Steinberg's website they only have drivers up to iOS 10.9. Does anyone know if the Midex 8 genuinely doesn't work on iOSs after that, or whether it's simply unsupported?
If it doesn't work, are there any fixes in the pipeline? I read somewhere that the basic cause of the problem (USB handling of legacy devices) may be fixed sometime, but that there will be no guarantee that it will allow all affected legacy USB devices to work again.
Failing that, can anyone recommend a good budget 8in/8out I/F? I'm reconfiguring my studio on a budget- I see the MOTU MIDI Express is still going strong so guess that'd do the job; or an M-Audio MidiSport 8. Thoughts...?
Cheers in advance,
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