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Musicians / Guitarists
I Mac 17" updated, my guitar. Setting up a lil' place to record my licks, lay some vocals, and syth a backbeat.
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Born April 9, 1979
(45 years old)
91107 Pasadena
United States
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HEY! For starters, I'm a definate beginner. I just got the new 17" updated IMAC, with the audio input, and I'm looking to set up a little place to record some guitar licks, vocal tracks, and maybe get a keyboard (althought I don't really understand what MIDI is) I got all my little effects pedals for my Strat, is there a way I can utilize these and plug my guitar into my mac to lay some tracks. I've heard about the M-Box, where I could get a guitar and mic in, but is that a good way to go, wouldn't I need to applify the signal? Or could I get a mixer and plug evetything into that? I was gonna try pro tools once I got everything hooked up, but I also need a good way to simulate realistic drums. Am I dreaming here or can this all be done?
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