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Musicians / Composers
Indie rocker at heart, but composer of many styles. I'm looking to start another band. E-mail me if you're near me and interested. I mostly play guitar now.
Gender Not Set
Born Oct 22, 1975
(49 years old)
Daytona Beach
United States
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Joined: 06-Feb 03
Profile Views: 715*
Last Seen: Tue 3 Aug 2004, 18:49
Local Time: Thu 12 Dec 2024, 06:32
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Hopefully this is an easily answered question... it seems like it should be painfully obvious, but the AudioDesk manual has been no help so far.
I recorded a friend's band last week and they wanted to get copies of the songs before they were mixed. How do I export the songs to a useable format like AIFF or WAV? I tried doing so in the "Soundbites" window, but that just exported every single individual soundbite as their own individual AIFF. Is there an easy way to export the entire unmixed song as one useable file? Or do I have to run a tape deck out the monitor output and just record it old school? Thanks for any input (or output).
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