Gear:Powerbook G3. OS.9.2 / DP 3.17. motu 828.
Just spent a horrible day of error search.This is what happened: I connected my stuff in my home studio after travels, and switched everything on: loud hum and variuos noises.After checking all cables, I found the noise to be connected to input 1 and 2 on the 828.Later they occured on all inputs. So, thinking the firewire input on the 828 had been blown, I hooked up my Mac through sound manager and the small jacks on back, bypassing the 828 completely. Fine for a while, then to my horror the same sounds occur.Also , different digital-fax-like sounds when I pull the menus , open windows etc.
Now it seems like it has to do with to the back connector panel of the G3, like electricity leakage through the connectors. Or something.Any hints?