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0478 Oslo
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Joined: 21-Jan 03
Profile Views: 386*
Last Seen: Tue 10 Jan 2006, 21:37
Local Time: Wed 4 Dec 2024, 01:57
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12 May 2004
Gear:Powerbook G3. OS.9.2 / DP 3.17. motu 828.
Just spent a horrible day of error search.This is what happened: I connected my stuff in my home studio after travels, and switched everything on: loud hum and variuos noises.After checking all cables, I found the noise to be connected to input 1 and 2 on the 828.Later they occured on all inputs. So, thinking the firewire input on the 828 had been blown, I hooked up my Mac through sound manager and the small jacks on back, bypassing the 828 completely. Fine for a while, then to my horror the same sounds occur.Also , different digital-fax-like sounds when I pull the menus , open windows etc. Now it seems like it has to do with to the back connector panel of the G3, like electricity leakage through the connectors. Or something.Any hints?
16 Mar 2003
I am about to design the music / soundcsape for a dance performance and want to use a mix of pre-produced sound and real-time processing of voices and noises from the performers. I am looking for effective programmes that can sample and process in realtime. I know of course Max/MSP and is curious about the (Motu)Mach5, but are there other elegant programs out there?
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