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Musicians / Composers
visual artist and composer
Born April 9, 1955
(69 years old)
38068 Rovereto
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Joined: 10-Aug 08
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Last Seen: Wed 4 Feb 2009, 11:22
Local Time: Tue 17 Dec 2024, 04:46
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Hallo everybody. My first time here. I'm using Vienna Instrument (Solo Strings) with Logic 8, controlling all "map control parameters" in Hyper Editor, giving to each parameter a different midi channel. And everything works wonderfully. but I've two questions:
1-how can I switch from the first (orizzontal) level of patches to a second or a third one (etc) when the first 12 are filled up, without using key switches (wich I don't like because they make confusion in the score). Is there a controller for this, as I use for all other parameters?
2-How can I play "pizzicato glissando" (or another articulation) where the glissando goes, let's say, from C to G or more? I do pizzicato glissando using the pitch wheel controller in Hyper Editor, but in this way I can go at maximum one tone over or down (with pitch range 200 in performer control). If I use a portamento patch it works only with "long" notes, and it'snot a glissando. Is there a way? Contemporary music is full of this effect so there sould be a way.
thank you with all my heart for the attention
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![](style_images/en/folder_profile_portal/user-offline.png) Tuesday 3 February 2009 - 08:05
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