Musicians / Singers
Student who also sings in an alt-rock band. use Logic Audio 4.81 for putting together rough emos, but would like to learn more about programming etc. Professional singing experience. Mac user since age 6 (that's 18 years ago!)
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Born Oct 6, 1978
(46 years old)
OX14AU Oxford
United Kingdom
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Hi there,
I'm using the first version of Logic Express, before they introduced the Garage Band loop functionality.
I've agreed to remix my friend's band, but most of my knowledge relates to fairly conventional recording of live audio, or working with pre-cut loops.
Can anyone suggest a tutorial which will help me to start working with the audio files i have in logic audio, cutting up audio loops, changing the length of audio without changing pitch, and that sort of thing?
Thanks in advance,
I have just picked up Logic Express 6 so that I can finally stop having to use OS 9 for anything (to ditch Logic Silver 4.8).
However, I'm getting a wierd error on my 800MHz G3 iBook when I launch the application, that says
"CUBE needs Altivec compatible cpu (G4 and up)" and then I have to quit the app.
Logic Express should work with a G3, so what is this 'CUBE' thing referring to? I have an edirol UA-30 USB audio solution (using core audio driver) and an emagic MT4 USB MIDI box that I want to use with Logic. I have a feeling the problem is being caused by the UA-30 in some way, because logic launches okay if I don't have this plugged in (though I get another error telling me I have no audio interface plugged in).
Can anybody shed any light on this?
Thanks in advance Dune
I have recently bought a Behringer Eurorack MX 1604A, and would like to be able to link it (and my various instruments) into my Edirol/Roland UA-30 USB audio box so that I can record and monitor incoming signals properly.
Using the pair of phono inputs and the pair of phono outputs on the mixer, marked 2-track 'Tape in' and 'Tape out' (not the main mixer outputs), I am able to get a signal coming out of the USB UA-30, but only by depressing both the '2 track' and '2 track to mix' buttons. However, what this means is that every time I record and monitor using the mixer, I'm recording a complete main mix plus the new part I'm really trying to record separately.
Where am I going wrong
I have recently bought a Behringer Eurorack MX 1604A, and would like to be able to link it (and my various instruments) into my Edirol/Roland UA-30 USB audio box. As far as I can tell, the only outputs from the mixer seem to be 1/4" jack cables, but the UA-30 does offer stereo phono in and out ports, and I was hoping that there may be a simple way of creating a stereo in and out connection using these. There are a pair of phono inputs and a pair of phono outputs on the mixer, marked 2-track 'Tape in' and 'Tape out' that aren't part of the main mixer outputs, but connecting them to my UA-30 doesn't seem to do anything (i don't think this is particularly important, but I'll mention it anyway - I'm using the UA-30 with logic silver 4.8 via the ASIO driver that I purchased from The UA-30 operates perfectly well if I record, for instance, a microphone, through it, so I know that there's nothing wrong with it) I'd be very grateful for any assistance
hi there, first off, thanks for reading this post! I bought virtual guitarist electric edition last week, and I'd like to switch between players, the rhythms available to each player, and the various software 'stompboxes' that are in the effects section of the plugin. Is there any way I can get Logic 4.81 under OS 9 to recognise these changes throughout the progress of ONE VSti track, or do I have to assign a new software instrument each time I want to, for instance, change guitar sound? Any help greatly appreciated Ambrose
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