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Green Jnr
3630 KZN
South Africa
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Joined: 20-Jun 08
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I am new around here, but very desperate so any help would be greatly appreciated.
After doing an OSX Update to Leopard 10.5.1 about 6 months my radium 49 keyboard stopped working and up until yesterday I have been waiting for them to release the appropriate drivers. So yesterday I see they have released the drivers for 10.5.2 and 10.5.3 After doing the routine uninstall of the old drivers I installed the new drivers but the Audio Midi setup is still not finding my keyboard, so I contacted support and they basically told me to do everything I had already done but install the 10.5.2 combo update, so instead I installed the 10.5.3 combo update and then downloaded the correct drivers and now I am still having the same prob! I've done repair of disc permissions etc etc
What can I possibly do to get my mac to find my keyboard in the audio midi setup??
Regards Green
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