B4 In Protools, B4 in ProTools |
Thu 16 Oct 2003, 16:04

Group: Members
Posts: 17
Joined: 29-Aug 03
From: Lindenhurst - US
Member No.: 23,831

Hey man wassup??? Ok well hope i can help. 1st create a midi track and an aux or audio track. Ok on the aux or audio track, whichever you choose, on the insert point on the track select the plug in that you are going to use to get your B4 sound. Ok now on the midi channel go to the input selecter and pick ALL or whatever channel you are sending midi through. Now on the output section of the midi channel select the specific instrument, and or program you would like to hear. There you go, you should be able to see the midi data going to the midi channel and see and hear the audio on the audio or aux channel(whichever you choose). Ok well i hope this helps, and by the way if i didnt tell you any thing you didnt know.......my bad....lol....take care --jay-- p.s. what pro tools hardware do you have....is the midi controller pluged into your pro tools hardware or through a "midi to usb connection"? See if you are able to route the midi like i explained in this post and im pretty sure you will no longer have a problem with triggering your jv 1010 and not hearing your Native inst. B4.......ok let me know if this helps.
Fri 17 Oct 2003, 08:06

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 14-Oct 03
From: Ashtonfield - AU
Member No.: 26,736

Thanks jasonmaass for your response I'll give it a try on myy set up at home and let you know. Thanz for taking the time. Will respond in 2 days time. I have digi 001 of which my midi controller goes into before then going into JV1010.
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