Pitch/audio To Midi Stand Alone Apps, Convertion: audio to midi w/o sequencer |
Sun 13 Jul 2003, 00:44

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 24-Mar 03
From: Chapel Hill, NC - US
Member No.: 14,951

Though I have years of musical training and Mac experience, my knowledge of Mac Music is limited.
I do not have a midi sequencer (?) -- only my G4 Os X -- and want to convert audio (aiff or wav) files into midi.
I know there are too many Windows apps that do that but most of the Mac X equivalents are either plug-ins into larger applications or work only in Classic mode. I mean, there is no specific application that can handle conversion for me.
I would appreciate your help in this.
Thanks, Slim
Sun 20 Jul 2003, 12:49

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 04-Jul 03
From: Biarritz - FR
Member No.: 20,691

Hi, try melodyne (www.celemony.com). version 1.5 is ok, but 2.0 will be a killer concerning audio conversion to midi.
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