Motu Mach Five - Anybody Using It? Is It Our Yet?, MOTU Mach Five sampler |
Tue 8 Jul 2003, 18:04

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Anybody using the Mach Five sampler yet? Is it available? I know MOTU had said available end of June but you know them.... Thanks
Wed 9 Jul 2003, 11:04

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A forum post over at claims that Machfive just started shipping in the US. No reports from customers receiving it yet, though. I'm waiting for my copy as well, but since I'm in Sweden I guess it'll be awhile...
Thu 27 Nov 2003, 01:22

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I purchased Mach Five about a month ago, but haven't gone beyond the basics...been way too busy. From what I've played with, though, it will soon be my go-to sampler for sound design and fx!! I'm using it in Pro Tools and I love the fact that I can save all of my Mach Five info with the project-complete. I'll post my impressions later after I scratch below the surface.
If it sounds is good.
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 08:50

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I got MachFive about a week ago. I'm diggin' it. I had never used a sampler before, hard or soft, so I definitely haven't figured out everything it can do yet, but I am now using it almost exclusively. It's incredibly simple to use, has a bunch of nice effects, and comes with a lot of great samples (and some not-so-great samples). It is a bit of a power hog though.
All-in-all I would highly recommend, but bear in mind that I have nothing to compare it to! Oh, and I'm using it with DP4.1
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 10:38

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I've been using it for a while now. Like it a lot. It can convert many sample types: I used Giga for the first time. It has so many ways to route FX. Really nice sound (same engine as PlugSound). It's so easy to use and edit. It comes with 2 GB of samples. But a couple of them are ridiculous: 192 Hz gong. The only thing it would be perfect is streaming samples, which could come in the next update ??? Right now you have to fill the RAM with samples.
Wed 7 Jan 2004, 16:32

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I am a software sampler newbie. I use DP 4.11 in a G4 powerbook running Os 10.2.8 I just recently purchased Mach 5. I know I have a lot to learn about this software. So far I don't like it at all. I use it to create drum parts in DP 4. All my drum samples are chopped off! When I increase my midi note durations, all my notes get shifted and it becomes a mess. I was using Sample tank Free in OS 9 and it was so simple and works perfectly. I know it's gotta be me. Any suggestions. Are there any sites To learn how to better use this software?
Thu 8 Jan 2004, 18:02

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It's quite possible that your drum sounds are getting chopped off because the release is not set to allow the samples to play all the away after you release a key on the keyboard. There is probably a setting for this. Try holding the note down and see if the drum sound plays all the way through. I had this same issue with Kontakt until I found out how to solve it. Also, check out Great site for all MotU issues.
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