(1 - 2)
Thu 12 Jun 2003, 11:11


Group: Team
Posts: 370
Joined: 19-Mar 03
From: Umeå - SE
Member No.: 14,645

When pluging in your headphones into 828, th main knob controls the volume of the the whole mix, say any audio-tracks you've already recorded. That is you're listening basically to channels 1-2. At the same time you can set 828 listen at channels 5-6 inputs, where you'll add a stereo guitar or whatever. ( this is done in the firewire console app ). The volume of input-channels 5-6 in 828 is controlled by level/monitor level knob.
Cheers: Dixiechicken
================== Oh my god it's full of stars… --------------------------------------------------- Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs, Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V Emes Kobalt monitors ================================
Fri 13 Jun 2003, 05:00

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 09-Jun 03
From: NYC - US
Member No.: 19,348

I figured it out. I'm posting how I solved it cause it might be useful for other motu 828 users to know this feature.
After loosing all hope, i just took the risk and opened up my motu 828, turns out in the circuit board there is a switch where you can remove a jumper to either variable or fixed position. Variable - you can control the monitor outs with the volume knobs, fixed - you cannot control them with the knobs but the knobs control the headphone out(this feature is useful when using the motu 828 for live applications so you can independently monitor the volume for the headphones and not affect the monitor outs).
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