Whats The Best Midi Device For Korg M1 And Os X?, How do I connect Korg M1 to OS X? |
Tue 3 Jun 2003, 17:47

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 07-Feb 03
From: L.A. - US
Member No.: 11,575

I have a Korg M1 from 1989 and I was wondering the best way to connect it to my iBook. I was planning to buy the Roland (Edirol) UM-1 USB to MIDI in/Out cable. But I'm not sure if AMS (Apple MIDI Setup) will support the Korg. I know Korg does not at this time have any plans to support old equipment under OS X. I would like to use the Korg as a MIDI contoller for Reason 2.0... and don't want to buy a cable if there is no way to connect the Korg M1 to OS X. I tried setting up a Technics Home E-Piano (603) that has a Mac Serial (old skool) port... that went to a Belkin USB/Serial converter. I got AMS to recognize the Technics for about 2 minutes.. and then it stopped recognizing it. Is this because.... a) I suk at using AMS? b) I'm using a serial to usb converter? or... c) ASM is crap?
Please help.
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