Jv 1080 Question, JV 1080 question |
Sun 16 Feb 2003, 16:27


Group: Members
Posts: 40
Joined: 30-Apr 01
From: München - DE
Member No.: 492

Hi there,
I've got 2 questions about my JV 1080 synth.
1. When I do a BULKDUMP, am I dumping the whole of the Performance bank (i.e. all 32 banks) or just the bank I'm working with?
2.When I've completed my performance bank setup, I pressed "perform" button and "patch" button at the same time and I notice that it said "Oct=0" for some patches and "Oct=1" for others. How do I change this so that the change becomes permanent? In other words the Octave is the same next time I reimport the sysex dump.
Waiting on my new MacBook Pro
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