Recording Vocals, tips, tricks, theory |
Wed 24 Sep 2003, 18:02

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i won't bother starting a new thread for this since it still falls under the same heading:
i have an AT4033 (two of them actually) and an 01v, and i'm wondering what pre-amp/compression options are available to me for a lowish price. i know this is some quality gear for someone to still be so inexperienced, but i've been doing other stuff: performing laptop stuff with reason/ableton/jazz guitar and haven't put the time in exploring straight up recording at home. add to that my probs with my motu2408 in osx and my lack of a suitable booth...
but now- now i'm in a new apt and it has this perfect walk-in closet sized room which i intend to pad up for recording- my initial tests leave me realizing that i need to get religious about vocalizing again. but as far as my signal chain- what would be the one thing i could get to improve tracking voice?
sunny seems super happy with that 'TL Audio VP 5051 preamp linked to a MindPrint T-Comp' combination. i'll check prices for that stuff and you guys get back to me. my birthdays coming up, baby!!
Kit: Dual Ghz G4, Vaio 2.6ghz GRV670 notebook. Software: Reaktor, Reason, Ableton Live. Leanings: Laptop performance, jazz guitar, singing.
Thu 19 Feb 2004, 01:58

Group: Banned
Posts: 21
Joined: 19-Feb 04
From: Houston - US
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All I can say is CONDENSOR MIC.......don't use a dynamic
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