Emagic Emi 2/6 |
Sat 5 Oct 2002, 18:40

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hi there
i'm setting up a studio for powerbook g4 and am trying to sort out which sound card/midi interface to use. i'm planning to use logic (& maybe some protools) for sequencing/audio. i want to spend under $500 for the sound card & midi sync.
so far, emagic's emi 2/6 looks promising for my price range, along with the mt4. does anyone have opinions on these? or testimonials on how well this setup works?
i'm wondering also about m-audio's quattro...
and of course other product suggestions are welcome...
thanks for the help
-analog tara.
Sun 24 Nov 2002, 02:51

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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(why this has been left over… wonder) Follow the emagic toute, M-audio has trouble to give us OS9 drivers that actually DO their do  (as the forums threds seem to show) less headache there.
Fri 29 Nov 2002, 23:35

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Analog tara, for the budget that you're on, you have picked exactly the right hardware!  You can't go wrong with Emagic products, and if you're using Logic, well, even better!! I would definitely go with the EMI26 and the MT4 on your budget (I actually own an MT4, a nice simple 2 in 4 out USB midi solution, and it works every time without ANY problems whatsoever with Logic - and...no need for OMS in order for it to function with Logic!) This means it's stable...my friend Robin was thrilled about this when he realised he could literally unplug the USB cable to the MT4 and instead of Logic crashing, he just got a dialog box telling him that the MT4 was no longer available... )  Whatever you decide, steer clear of the Digidesign Mbox. It isn't very compatible with Logic, or anything else other than protools software, for that matter (drivers for ASIO are around, but they're not made by Digi, and this box ain't too clever.) If you feel like it, check out Damann's, Holli's and my posts elsewhere on this forum for some interesting reflection on Digidesign, the guys behind Protools. My humble advice is don't believe the Protools hype; it's actually a bit of a sheep in wolf's clothing...Logic is excellent, with features that make Protools look decidedly "20th Century." For example, the new virtual instruments in Logic are totally stunning...not available anywhere in budget versions of PT. And the midi "features" don't...er...feature much in PT. And I don't care if I get a backlash for speaking the truth...!
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