Yamaha Dsp Factory And Mac Os X, is there a driver or a way to use it? |
Mon 3 Mar 2003, 16:53


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Posts: 32
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Hi bmurot, I don't have any hopes of ever seeing a X driver for the ds2416. When I switched to the Mac about 2 years ago I tried it with 9 and it didn't work well for me. For example, I never got the Soundmanager driver to work. But maybe I was just too stupid. Anyway, I decided to go with the Motu 828 for the Mac and now use the ds2416 happily on my pc which is synchronized with my iBook and works as a sampler. Works well!! Yamaha has never really cared much about this fine card and even less for its Mac support. Now, since it's beginning to age it would be a miracle if they decided to invest the manpower to create a driver for the (I believe) very few people wanting to use it on OS X. greets JV
The Artist Formerly Known As AxL
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