Logic Vi's Vs. Reason 2 |
Fri 29 Nov 2002, 23:34

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From: Roxbury - US
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Using Logic 5.5 and I have to say that Reason is cool for creating loops. As far as the differences goes I have to say that with Logic I can do a lot more. I do not have Reason 2, but I was able to use rewire with the 1.01 version of Reason. Logic just updated the EXS to MKII - all the same modulation features of the ES2, plus the ability to use a side chain as a modulation source - cool using a vocal track to control the filter cutoff. Reason is a very good software, but I'm not able to record audio directly into Reason, reason's samples are not accessible by other samplers unless you bounce the file to disk. The effects in Reason are adequate enough to get basics going but would like to see a 8 band eq, excitier, more fx, and more modulation sources. I make loops in Reason to upload into the EXS. The EXS also reads rex files, Logic audio is also able to read rex files to add to the audio window. I think Reason gets it's use in my studio, but I have not found a reason to update to reason 2.o since Reaktor has a lot of the synthesis/sampling methods that I can use. I wonder when people realize that there is really not a one package solution for all your audio needs. YEs, Emagic products are expensive but I have to admit that they are solid so far and have not caused me any problems. I'm writing songs with the EXS to purchase the ES2. Make'em pay for themselves. If you want witness of my EXS cmpositions check out my website: DKMA webpagefollow the link to MP3.com thanks Dana Kelley
Mon 2 Dec 2002, 02:44

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From: Rimghobb - UA
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QUOTE (rickenbacker @ Dec 1 2002, 12:47) I know Levon doesn't like Live,  Rickenbacker, are you still stewing over the fact that I said I thought Live's interface looked like a Saturday morning cartoon show? Okay, let me go on the record as saying I have absolutely *no* functional criticism of the program whatsoever. From the little I've played around in it, I think it's a *fine* program, a peach, a pip. It's not something I have any real immediate use for, but from what I can tell it's very well done for what it does. There, now; we all square? I just get a craving for Cocoa Puffs when I open it, that's all. QUOTE (rickenbacker @ Dec 1 2002, 12:47) ...but version 2.0 looks like it'll offer a new full-blown multitrack sequencer for Mac users in OS X, plus it's already got ReWire support. That sounds like really good news. Any idea when they hope to have that out? (I will get around to their web site sooner or later; just thought you might know.)
Mon 9 Dec 2002, 06:24


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From: Hempstead - US
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Reason 2 is pretty decent software, but no where near Logic.... Pro tools was the top dog, but now with apple buying logic, buying a mac and logic, is like buying a dedicatd system...
Reason is ok, but my deadly combination is
logic 5.5 on my g4 halion (so easy to set up samples) esx24 (for akai samplers) motu 828
I just started using reason, and it has good sounds, but no where near the sequencing in logic. NOTHING COMPARES TO LOGIC!
I find the sequencer in reason to be someone like a toy, and not very flexiable.... Maybe its because I am a new reason 2 user.... but with the effects in logic, its really good.... Reason is insane on a laptop, because you can carry it around . Over all, get logic, it will help you out in the long run......
Wed 19 Feb 2003, 22:34

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Logic 6, which should be out any time, has support for Rewire 2. As well as several other excellent new features that I can't wait to get my hands on. IMHO it did take too long to provide this capability, but there are so many other powerful features to learn in Logic that I wasn't bothered at all with the wait.
Sun 23 Mar 2003, 03:45

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Pluggo in tandem with Live and Protools free accomplishes everything I need to accomplish on a shoestring budget. a midi controller helps. oh and Did I forget to mention Absynth. Logic looks intriguing but also seems a bit pricey. I'm waiting to see if Apple ever intends to bundle the software with a cpu.
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