Midi Controllers, compatibility with different software |
Sat 2 Apr 2011, 19:55

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 08-Dec 10
From: NY - US
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Hi, i am an experience dj, but new to music production. I am looking for a midi controller that will work with different software. I know that is impossible to have a controller that will work with all of my software, but the simpler my set up will be the better. i have Ableton, Traktor, Reason, DP7 and a some Native Instruments software. The controller that I have research are Kore 2, Beringer CBF 2000 (rotary knobs) and Akai APC40. My interface Is Motu 828 MK 2 and I have a Korg midi keyboard. My keyboard works but its limited to just key strokes. Can anyone guide me in the right direction. Thanks.
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