Roland A-pro Control Surface, Logic posts midi error message + no communication |
Sun 10 Apr 2011, 15:38
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 20-Jan 11
From: London - UK
Member No.: 116,638
Hi y'all out there! Has any Logic 8,9 or Express user found this problem when trying to use the Control Surface section of the Roland A-PRO midi controller keyboard? I installed everything as per insrtructions, set midi device ports to In: A-PRO 2, Out: A-PRO. I launched logic, pressed ACT and saw no data transfer. An error message arrived: 'Device "A-PRO" is assigned to MIDI Port "A-PRO 2" which is not present'. In the Control Surface Setup, the in and out ports are clearly present. Is there an internal midi routing problem with Logic 9?
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