Ableton summer offers, news |
Sun 13 Jul 2008, 00:45

Sun 13 Jul 2008, 00:45


Group: Members
Posts: 32
Joined: 25-Apr 06
From: GR
Member No.: 79,370

Peace people
Ableton seems to be getting very complicated!
Why not one simple package.
This post has been edited by iLLuMiNaTiCa: Sun 13 Jul 2008, 00:46
Sun 13 Jul 2008, 05:20

Group: Members
Posts: 56
Joined: 10-Jul 05
From: San Francisco - US
Member No.: 67,641

Oh -- I don't think so at ALL !! I think that while Pro Tools was playing touch and go with Leopard for 6 months ( for the Love of GOD ) leaving me and my update to 7.4 virtually USELESS, Ableton Live 7.x was way ahead of the curve. Live was up and running with Leopard from day 1; It's orchestral instruments are absolutely AMAZING; Sampler is probably one of the best samplers out there for ease of use, creativity, and programability; It's side chaining capabilities as well as it's audio to MIDI track function, drum rack(s) capabilities, use of REX as Audio files, slicing, warping . . . I could go on and on. The relationship that Ableton has with AAS brought about a natural incentive to pick up Tassman4 ( which I had been eyeing for 3 years now, but never wanted to fork out the cash for -- until now )
I really think that Live 7 is the DAW that all DAW's should be aiming at as a major competitor -- If more people knew about how to USE Live fluently, perhaps it would be more of a threat.
Until then, I am more than happy to use it as a sound tool, a production tool, and as an instrument leaving most engineers in town that I talk to on a regular basis basically scratching their head and asking: "How the HELL did he do that ??!! "
-cheers !
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