Micro Express: Questions |
Tue 12 Feb 2008, 17:24

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Joined: 01-Sep 02
From: Paris - FR
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Good evening Milosz, No compatibilty problems between the 2408mk2 and the Micro Express. I've had this set up for years on a 966 MHz G4. There were also two MIDI Express with all the ports connected to synths and expanders. The audio sequencer was (and still is on a G5) DP 4.6.1. If you have the up to date drivers that you can get from the MOTU website , no worries. I also use Reason, EZ drummer and Trilogy as virtual instruments. As far OS 9.2.2 is concerned, there wasn't that much trouble in that time, bur it's far more stable under OSX. Hope this helps. Regards, Dewpill
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