Which Mixing Desk For 4000 Pounds? |
Thu 27 Sep 2007, 13:20
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 27-Sep 07
From: Athens - GR
Member No.: 95,292

Hello guys, so i m looking for a 24ch. analogue mixing desk to go with my apple mac, where i ll be mixing. I can afford round 4000 pounds aprox. 6000euros. So far i ve found the Soundcraft ghost, the Trident series 8T-24 and the Toft ATB-24. Although i ve not worked with any of these mixing desks, i ve heard many good things about the ghost's EQs and pre-amps, although i know it produces a bit of noise. Can you guys help me get to a desision? what console would you buy with that money? Just dont want to spend it like a fool cause i ve been saving it for ages now...Thanks in advance!
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