Vsti For Os X?, Anybody know how? (cheap?) |
Mon 23 Sep 2002, 08:25

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I'm goint to be upgrading to the OS X version of DP when it arives, however to complete my OS X switch, i need something to play vst instraments. on OS 9 there's a cheap freeware program (ugly VSTi i think it's called) that does the job, anybody know of something like that on OS X?
Tue 24 Sep 2002, 01:07


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QUOTE Is there any other virtual instrument apart Reason 2 under OS X? Hints please. http://www.refx.net/products/Claw.htm
Thu 26 Sep 2002, 19:10
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Thanks for the links formatj. We need more AU and more OS X VSTs. especially if it's GPL or freeware...
Damann, concerning a wrapper for old vst/mas/rtas plugins, i heard from a french develloper (BusError, are you reading this?) that it's purely and simply impossible to do... The man stated that only 6 VST plugins are running under OS X at the moment, is it true? Does that include the Refx and Greeoak ones, pointed by formatj?
Any hints about this, technically speaking? Will we ever have a wrapper for CoreAudio, ie usable with DP, just to name one?
Fri 27 Sep 2002, 00:28

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hi yukulele, firstly, there are many more than 6 vst plugs running under osx, destroy fx offer that many alone, all ohmforce plugs too, greenoak definitely, including crystal. i own some refx vsti's and love them, but no news yet from them (isn't quadrasid great?). i haven't had a chance to check any of these out because i use logic, unfortunately.  finally, i have to be honest and say that i've been lazy about the core audio/vst wrapper concept, i have a couple of plugs of my own design sitting on the shelve at the moment. i do feel that re-compiling as objective c++ will be relatively easy, and can't personally see the problem with the wrapper concept, where there's a will there's a way? maybe not, i'll look into it. hey, buserror! i get the feeling that you might have a good insight here.  peace, later...
one for all and all for one...
Sat 28 Sep 2002, 15:34
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Thanks Damann, just let us know for your insights concerning a wrapper for VST/MAS/RTAS/AS -> AudioUnit: doable, undoable? BusError told me: IMPOSSIBLE, NO WAY, FORGET IT... (he's a mac os x dev) Please tell him he's wrong ;-)
What do YOU think concerning core/midi audio and the AU concept, from a dev's point of view?
PS: do you think a MacMusic dedicated forum for dev/programming would be usefull? French and English mixed alltogether (with english as chosen langage)? I only know of 3 devs right here: you, Celmo (french only), and BusError... Any others reading this? Feel free to come in.
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