Really Annoying Buzzing, Why has it all gone hideously wrong? |
Mon 9 Jul 2007, 23:08

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Just been in to do a spot of tinkering and flicked everything on and got a really irritating buzzing noise coming through my speakers.
Have managed to isolate it down to the MobilePre USB interface suddenly not liking the Belkin USB hub or rather, not liking the power supply being connected to it. The MobilePre USB works fine when the hub is switched off, but when it's on, I get the buzzing.
It's only just started doing this, so I flicked everything off and on again. Now ALL of the lights on the Belkin hub have gone off and it doesn't seem to be working at all. In short, I think my USB hub has died.
As you can see from my gear list, I'm running everything on a PowerBook, so USB ports are not exactly plentiful (there's only 2 on it) so I need a USB hub to get everything up and running.
Has anyone got any recommendations or suggestions for a nice meaty USB hub worth investing in to sort out any current issues with the MobilePre USB and also for any future gear I might invest in and need yet more USB connections? Surely I can't be the only person in the world who needs more than 4 USB ports?
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Hard G4 PowerBook M-Audio MobilePre USB M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 Korg MS-20 Controller Roland PC-300 Ovation Celebrity Deluxe Epiphone Sheraton
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Tue 10 Jul 2007, 10:52

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Are you sure it's the correct power supply for the hub? They can vary sooooo much and still look the same....if you get the MA wrong....let alone the voltage and polarity.... you are certainly in line for some long term damage to you device.... However...things do buzz when they're about to die..... a component becomes unable to do it's job....and starts converting the current differently..... most common of which is to convert it to sound as a bi-product of incorrect usage of power.... ultimately a "resistance" build up. waffle waffle waffle..... Tiz a lot of usb's you got there.... hub should be fine providing it's not passing hard drive i/o data..... you may experience some lagging...possible drop outs in the DA rendering .... not sure I've been any help.... but I do enjoy the thinking about it....lol! Take care.... best of luck with your set up.... get back into the "Zone" and write some great music...... the only thing buzzing in your studio will be you mate...!
This post has been edited by Kristian Sharpe: Tue 10 Jul 2007, 10:54
Tue 10 Jul 2007, 15:52
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From: Leicester - UK
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sounds like just the hub psu has died very often the hub will work without an external psu. Those psu's are quite noisy in an electrical way and audible too once they are past their prime (i know people like that). you might find that ome switching of connections in the hub will speed things up. Before you rip out the psu try moving the cable around i.e . away from the audio cables and kit hope this is useful steve reg QUOTE (bobstermarley @ Mon 9 Jul 2007, 23:08)  Just been in to do a spot of tinkering and flicked everything on and got a really irritating buzzing noise coming through my speakers.
Have managed to isolate it down to the MobilePre USB interface suddenly not liking the Belkin USB hub or rather, not liking the power supply being connected to it. The MobilePre USB works fine when the hub is switched off, but when it's on, I get the buzzing.
It's only just started doing this, so I flicked everything off and on again. Now ALL of the lights on the Belkin hub have gone off and it doesn't seem to be working at all. In short, I think my USB hub has died.
As you can see from my gear list, I'm running everything on a PowerBook, so USB ports are not exactly plentiful (there's only 2 on it) so I need a USB hub to get everything up and running.
Has anyone got any recommendations or suggestions for a nice meaty USB hub worth investing in to sort out any current issues with the MobilePre USB and also for any future gear I might invest in and need yet more USB connections? Surely I can't be the only person in the world who needs more than 4 USB ports?
Fri 13 Jul 2007, 01:29
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 30-Jun 07
From: Istanbul - TR
Member No.: 92,607

Your belkin USB hub has an external power or is bus powered?
The some times can be funny because of being bus powered or with external power!
First,if it is bus powered USB Hub check it out that you have enough power that can MobilePre USB work. Seconds, other way around with external power check it about the power from belkin maybe have some problem.
Hope can help you.
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