Us-122 Help (inputs Won't Light Up...are They Dead?) |
Sat 3 Feb 2007, 20:11
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I just got an open box (I know, I know) us-122 at the local guitar center and it came with absolutely nothing except the unit itself. I have installed the drivers on the mac and everything successfully. The problem seems to be coming from the line in inputs. I have tried both my guitars and various different cables (thinking the cables where messed up) and yet I get no signal to the unit (I have no midi devices and no mic cables to test with). The lights almost never light up. Once in a while I can get some input (reflected on both the us-122 and the computer) when switching between line and guitar, but that is only for a millisecond.
Do you think it is broken? Should I take it back (they had two of them in the same condition...no manual/cd/cable/etc)? I may be screwed because of their return policy.
I have half a mind to pop open the us-122 and check the internal connections.
nice forums btw...and thanks for the help
Sat 3 Feb 2007, 20:36
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Member No.: 88,001

I'm thinking the preamps are busted. I found this in another forum: http://tascamforums.com/index.php?showtopic=12100. Some previous user probably had a mic and unplugged it with the phantom power on.
Tue 15 Jan 2008, 05:25
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Check this out for all who use the Tascam US 122... I had problems on my iBook G4 as the green light wouldn't come on... called the company & they said it's supposed to work fine... had the latest upgeade & everything. After a few hours of being frustrated, I plugged in the USB cord from the US 122 directly into the USB port on my laptop. It never worked with it plugged into a USB hub. It has worked flawlessly for almost 2 years now.
Then I upgraded to a MacBook Pro & had the same problem & called Tascam, & they gave me the web page to get the latest upgrade for the intel computer. It also works flawlessly.
Here's the way to get to it on the Tascam.com web page:
Go to tascam.com Go to Products on top of the page & go to Legacy Go to Computer products & click on Interfaces/Controllers Go to the US 122 picture, click on it & go to the download that fits your computer
Hope this helps! Happy recordings! Flando
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