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> Hooking 2 X Mackie Onyx 1220 Together Under Mac Os
post Mon 15 Sep 2008, 01:25
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Anyone had any experience with connecting two Mackie Onyx 1220's together under Mac OS X? On a few old reviews I've found info that it's possible, but says that mac support for that feature is 'coming soon'. Has Mackie sorted this yet does anyone know?

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Mac Daddy
post Mon 15 Sep 2008, 06:37
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"Anyone had any experience with connecting two Mackie Onyx 1220's together under Mac OS X? On a few old reviews I've found info that it's possible, but says that mac support for that feature is 'coming soon'. Has Mackie sorted this yet does anyone know"?

drive, once you get this situation sorted you are going to have one wicked little system... Sorry, I can't offer any help, but I certainly can imagine what it can potentially produce. I can only offer admiration for your gear. MACKIE's Onyx Series is pretty impressive.

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post Tue 16 Sep 2008, 05:18
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Hello drive, have you tried to ask Mackie directly? As users of 2 Onyx series should be a rare thing, it may be way faster…

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post Wed 17 Sep 2008, 00:29
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Yeah, ask Mackie about making 24 channels out of the two twelve channel gadgets ... Got FireWire cards in each?

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post Wed 17 Sep 2008, 04:46
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FYI: Mackie's products are great....their one on one support is absolutely horrid....they DO have a really good and specific user's forum that has been a great help and there are posted developer fixes on the forum pages....go there...You can leave a message with Mackies support team, just don't sit around waiting for an answer anytime soon (or at all). One time I actually tried to call Mackie's support during the day and the guy who was on the support staff was can I say this correctly for this forum?.....a real TOOL.
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post Wed 17 Sep 2008, 14:02
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This ad page from Makie's web site tells you a little about it and shows a picture, and their Manual for the Onyx Firewire card describes it also, if I remember correctly... BUT ONLY ON A PC. The Onyx card has both an IN & Out jack, and is the same on the 1220 & the 1620 mixers.

"You can even daisy-chain two 16-channel Onyx mixers via FireWire and send a whopping 32 mic signals right to your laptop. (PC only; Mac support for mixer chaining coming soon.)"


The "coming soon", has been 3 or 4 years now!


Email them, everybody that's interested, and maybe they'll get on board with us, "Mac-ies".


This post has been edited by azkid: Wed 17 Sep 2008, 14:31

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post Thu 18 Sep 2008, 17:16
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That's why they set up that forum ... so they would not have to do as much tech support.

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post Thu 18 Sep 2008, 22:48
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OK! Here's the skinny-

(and I COMMEND Mackie Support, for their ONE day response & many replies!) smile.gif

The Tracktion software wasn't updated by Mackie to support daisy chaining 2 Onyx mixers in Mac OS X because, "Apple put it in Audio MIDI setup (in Applications/Utilities), and we didn’t have to. I was told that the Aggregate Driver has been available since OS 10.2."

His prompt reply is true, with the exception that the Aggregate Device Editor was not added to the Audio Midi Setup until OS X 10.4 (Tiger)

So I've researched, replied to the Mackie Support fella, and he is following through with a web site update, and possibly getting the Mackie manuals rewritten.

I've never had any problems with my Mackie Onyx 1220 and never had to call their support. But I highly commend their email support!

And to continue with his added info regarding Mackie's Tracktion software-
"Tracktion 2 and 3 will work with the Aggregate Driver in OS (10.3.9) 10.4 up to OS 10.4.9 on a NON-INTEL machine. Tracktion 3 will be needed to work under OS 10.5.x (which only runs on INTEL machines) and Tracktion 2 will either not work, or be unstable. Make sure everyone is using the latest version of 2 ( or 3 ("

And Tracktion has always worked fine on my G4 Macs, using 10.3.9 & 10.4, even though my 10.3.9 G4 has no ability to add "aggregate devices". And I don't have a need (or the moola) for more than one Mackie Onyx mixer. biggrin.gif

SO! Load 'em up if ya got 'em, and if you've got 10.4 or later, and let us all know how you set up all of that band to get through that width! huh.gif

If you want more info, search "mac aggregate devices".

Thanks for asking, truly, I learned a lot today.

This post has been edited by azkid: Thu 18 Sep 2008, 22:50

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post Thu 18 Sep 2008, 22:54
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Generally, if you let Apple "automatically" update your OS above 10.x.x then you should be up to OSX 5.5.5 by now ... which should work with the above, nicely.

FYI: a long time ago, Apple slipped up for a few weeks on the auto updates of OSX 10. some thing or other, and accidentally killed all the FireWire driver connections, BUTT they fixed it quickly and posted another auto update = no harm, no fowl ... tongue.gif

This post has been edited by FastEddy: Thu 18 Sep 2008, 22:55

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