Silence |
Fri 28 Apr 2006, 21:42

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 13-Dec 05
From: San Antonio - US
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Hi, I recently finished the first part to this song I'm writing called "Silence." It's for a documentary I'm working on. You can hear it at: SilenceThanks for listening and I hope you enjoy. -Kyle [edit LPM, did the link]
This post has been edited by lepetitmartien: Sat 29 Apr 2006, 03:25
Sat 29 Apr 2006, 15:35

Group: Members
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From: West Palm Beach - US
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I'm wondering what my horoscope said today. It had to be a good one because I just happen to see your post on macforum and I clicked on it. I've clicked on a lot of babbling, trite, egomaniacal, moronic, juvenile, misguided, talent-deprived links in my clicking days so far. 99.99% of them leaving me with nothing but an overwhelming sense of lost and grossly wasted time. I'm thanking my lucky stars that I also click on the other .01%, especially today when I clicked on yours. Absolutely excellent music, dude!!! I'm what you would probably refer to as some old fart. I've played keyboards for a living back in the day when you could do that on a local level. I've been composing for 30 years or so. It's been my discovery that a good tune or piece or opus is really not written or composed but rather "channelled". The piece is already in existence. It's a matter of "tuning into" it and then channel it. You hear it and follow where it goes, then translate it for the rest of us to hear and enjoy. When you hear a piece like that, you know it. Just like when you hear some contrived formula tripe, you know that also. And you, dude, can HEAR! Like I said, I'm an old cynical fart nauseous because of all the crap rock that has come down the pipe and thoroughly digusted and embarassed for the generation that has lemmingly embraced the musical fraud of rap. I guess I'm what can be referred to as "old school". But I digress. Anyone who receives and reads macforum - You gotta hear this kid!! This guys is GOOD! I never write on these things but I had to when I heard this dude's stuff! Sorry, Kyle, for writing in front of your back there, but I had to tell everybody else that's had the same type of clicking experience as me. [EDIT LPM, please DON'T post your email in the forum, there's a secure email link under your post, an email in clear in the forum is a spam tomorrow  ]
This post has been edited by lepetitmartien: Sun 30 Apr 2006, 02:40
Sat 29 Apr 2006, 16:09

Group: Members
Posts: 96
Joined: 14-May 05
From: Caracas - VE
Member No.: 65,694

Hi Kyle: I did listen to your music. It is a beatiful piece. I´m looking forward to see the movie.... Regards.
Sat 29 Apr 2006, 20:52

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 13-Dec 05
From: San Antonio - US
Member No.: 73,861

Thanks so much for listening and for your compliments. Kyle
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