New Mac User Confused With Logic 7/logic 7.2, what is the way to get it? |
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 10:48

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I think7.2 is a new bundle with lots of loops and effect plugins included in price I am thinking of upgrading to express 7.2 from 6.4
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 13:22

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i am going to answer myself. The package contains the 7.2 version.
Tue 21 Mar 2006, 08:44

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7.2 is the newest version and will work with intel-mac core. If your in school I recommend buy Logic through the Apple Store. It's half price. That is for Logic Express and Logic Pro. The only stipulation is that you are not eligiable for any future upgrades. At half price, you could buy the next upgrade version when that comes out. It's a great deal through the Apple Store.
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