Aw4416 Via M-lan Or, what outboard should i use? |
Fri 24 Feb 2006, 16:03

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Posts: 1
Joined: 24-Feb 06
From: Pklymouth - UK
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hi mac world, i've just bought me my 1st mac and loving it...G4 12inch 900mhz and 640 MB Ram....bit old but its my intro....
anyway i have a yamaha AW4416 DAW, i've heard you can get a firewire card called an Mlan which i can use with the mac. Anyone heard of or is doing this?
Not sure if to get a Firewire mixer instead straight into my logic express on the mac or get an Mlan card.
Does the Mlan card or firewire mixers control the faders etc in logic?
I'm a complete novice so bear with me!
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