More Quattro Grief, any insight will be much appreciated! |
Thu 25 Jul 2002, 05:43

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Hi folks,
I just bought a boatload of equipment in order to set myself up with a home recording studio, this being my first attempt at any kind of digital recording (read-I have no idea what I'm doing). So far, I've unsuccessfully attempted to use: an iMac G4 (384 RAM) on OS9.2 with an Audiosport Quattro and both Logic Delta (which was bundled with the thing) as well as Logic 4.7. After following all the installation instructions for OMS and the Quattro drivers (including dragging the Quattro's ASIO driver file into either of the two Logic ASIO folders), I get an error message that doesn't recognize the ASIO driver.
After scanning through some of the older posts, I see I'm not alone. However, I also recognize that there's a few lucky people out there that have somehow found a way to coexist with this horrid box.
Before I go ahead and just return the Quattro and write it off as a bonafide piece-o-crap, I'd like to see if anybody out there can offer some suggestions. If I can get it to work, I'd be pleased as punch. With what I'm trying to do, I need something that can handle both MIDI and audio - on first glance, there doesn't appear to be anything else out there that offers this combo (please correct me if I'm wrong) - especially in this price range ($260). Probably my fault for going cheap, but you would think that it wouldn't be such a difficult thing to get the Quattro to do what it is supposed to. Thanks in advance...
PS - I'm still waiting to hear from M-Audio
Thu 25 Jul 2002, 14:34

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Hi Xingu...
ha yeah...good luck hearing back from m-audio. their support sucks!
although i don't really know the nature of your ASIO error, check my post (ASIO error - not enough memory)...I am using a similar setup as you, and I had problems with the Quattro, but I also had problems with other audio interfaces. Check the replies to my post and see if any of their advice can help you out.
good luck, jennifer
Fri 26 Jul 2002, 11:30

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If you want a cheap interface that handles both audio and midi, how about the Tascam US-224? It's got a control surface, too, so you get tape recorder-style controls for play/record/fast forward etc. Pretty good sound and it works with virtually every sequencer out there - OS X drivers coming soon, as well (I've tested them, so I know they work). Great website, too - really good support ethic. As for M-Audio, I've never heard anyone speak highly of any of their interfaces, so I don't even give them a second glance these days. Maybe it would be better to buy a decent audio interface and then a decent Midi interface - check the various posts here offering advice on the range available, because there's dozens of products out there. You definitely get what you pay for.
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