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> Os X Drivers In Beta : Tascam Stuff, need I say more?
post Mon 30 Sep 2002, 14:14
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QUOTE (Levon River @ Sep 30 2002, 13:41)
1. When you say buserror made "the driver for OS X," uh, what driver is that? Generally, the OS X driver for the EZBus itself, meaning, I guess, for the USB I/O? Or...

2. Is he doing the driver for the EZ8? Or...

We're going right in the off-topic way, but anyway, i'll try to clarify a bit, till BusError jumps in the thread ;-)

Yes, the PCI card is the EZ8: see for more details. No USB or Firewire, it's a PCI thing.

3. Is he doing/did he do (sigh) drivers for both? Or...

I don't know. I thought the EZ8 could also work as a standalone ADAT i/o interface, and not only as an EZbus expansion... Am i wrong (BusError)? Maybe BusError also did the EZbus drivers for OS X? Hint, hint.

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 29 2002, 20:27)
Not finished yet, but usable, he said.

What the heck does that mean

Simply that it's on a beta stage, ie not usable by a normal human being at the moment :-) There is no SMUX support (96kHz) yet, for example.

Sorry for not being so informative, Event is quite new for me (no previous OS 9 support!).

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Levon River
post Mon 30 Sep 2002, 16:49
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QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 13:14)
We're going right in the off-topic way, but anyway, i'll try to clarify a bit, till BusError jumps in the thread ;-)

Yeah, you're right, so I've created a new topic. But to clarify the clarification before leaping out of this thread... huh.gif

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 13:14)
Yes, the PCI card is the EZ8: ...No USB or  Firewire, it's a PCI thing.

I don't know how we wound up here: I'm familiar with the exact I/O capabilities of both the EZBus and the EZ8. I didn't suggest that the EZ8 had USB. blink.gif huh.gif smile.gif

I've laid it all out in the new topic.

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 13:14)
I thought the EZ8 could also work as a standalone ADAT i/o interface, and not only as an EZbus expansion... Am i wrong (BusError)?

I don't know how we wound up here: I also never suggested that the EZ8 *didn't* work as a standalone ADAT i/o interface. blink.gif huh.gif smile.gif

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 13:14)
Maybe BusError also did the EZbus drivers for OS X? Hint, hint.

Well, now I feel like I've *really* fallen down a rabbit hole, because this entire discussion of this started right here:

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 29 2002, 20:27)
QUOTE (Levon River @ Sep 28 2002, 03:02)
Damann: is the Event EZBus also broken under 10.2?
I've just seen an annoucement from the dev who made the driver for OS X (BusError). At the moment, it supports 8 channels in/out, at 24bit / 48kHz.

I had asked about the *EZBus* (not EZ8) being broken under 10.2. You wrote in response to *that question* about a driver being written by BusError supporting 8 channels in/out. That *has* to have something to do with the DIGITAL I/O capabilities of the EZBus, because you C A N N O T put 8 channels I/O through the USB ports of the *EZBus*. Period. Not gonna' do it. That's why I asked if what BusError had written had to do with the *EZ8*, because that's the interface you connect an *EZBus* through for 8 channels, unless you have some *other* card/interface that has either S/PDIF and/or Lightpipe.

Hope we're all clear on this now. If not, maybe we can keep hacking away at it in the new thread I started. <Phew!> blink.gif rolleyes.gif
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Levon River
post Mon 30 Sep 2002, 17:36
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I missed this one when I replied before:

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 13:14)
Event is quite new for me (no previous OS 9 support!).


Here's their support page for setting up the EZBus to work with Cubase and Nuendo under OS 9.x:

Their manuals also give the MIDI control specs for rolling your own control-surface maps for, e.g., DP.

The problem with the EZBus under 9 (and OS X 10.1.x, as I understand it) was that the USB I/O could carry audio only--not MIDI:

(Scroll down to Mac installation instructions.) You had to have a separate MIDI interface connected to your computer.

This is *supposed* to be handled under 10.2 (more evidence of OS-level crud pre-Jaguar), with the USB connection handling both the audio (two channel) and MIDI I/O of the unit, as it does under WinDoze. And maybe this is where BusError might be of more help, but he appears to be AWOL. laugh.gif
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post Mon 30 Sep 2002, 23:09
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I feel a bit ridiculous here, but anyway, thanks Levon for all those clarifications. BTW, what's "bollocks"?

I just brought an info that i thought usefull for you folks, even if i never heard of the event's works before (till the BusError thread in the french forums). Why so less communication from this company (in France, IME)?

Sorry for all the confusion, i'll shut my mouth next time :-)

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post Mon 30 Sep 2002, 23:20
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Hehe I was not reading this thread, sorry to appear to be slow ;-)

Anyway, I replied on the other, relevant, one ;D

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Levon River
post Tue 1 Oct 2002, 02:13
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QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 22:09)
I feel a bit ridiculous here, but anyway, thanks Levon for all those clarifications.

Yuke! Don't beat yourself up. Let *me* do that. biggrin.gif laugh.gif

You're a good sport, and I know how much confusion I waded through trying to get this far.

BusError straightened us *both* out over in the EZBus thread, and it sounds like *really* good news.

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 22:09)
BTW, what's "bollocks"?

Oh, something those haughty British say. And there is no American slang equivalent I can print without having a moderator chasing me around with a club. laugh.gif

QUOTE (Yukulele @ Sep 30 2002, 22:09)
Sorry for all the confusion, i'll shut my mouth next time :-)


You do, and I'll *really* get on your case. laugh.gif Thanks very much for your input. I very much appreciate it. And do see what BusError wrote; I think you'll like it.
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post Tue 22 Apr 2003, 01:46
Post #17

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I saw in another thread that Tascam drivers are supposed to be finished.

Can the tascamer confirm it (I saw final versions in the download section at tascam's but I don't use tascam stuff so can't be sure it works…) so I can release the thread that everyone can live happy ever after smile.gif

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post Tue 22 Apr 2003, 04:15
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Sorry LPM, I was going to write something, but somewhere along the line this turned into an EZBus thread... blink.gif huh.gif

Yes, Tascam released Jaguar drivers beginning with the beta version 3.2.0 in early March and the 'final' version (3.2.1) earlier this month. Recommended for 10.2.3 and up. For me, the beta driver finally cleared up all the nasty clicks/pops/stuttering when trying to record audio, but it caused kernel panics in certain instances that appear to have been cleared up with the new driver. I've had no problems running the latest driver with Logic 5.5 under 10.2.4 on my G4 iMac.

There are still some rumblings at the Tascam board from people experiencing audio fizzling out/cracking up/dropping out. This could possibly be linked to dual processor machines, but nobody 'official' has offered any input or help for those people yet. 10.2.5 does not appear to fix this (I haven't yet upgraded because 10.2.4 works perfectly for me).

So, yes, you can close/release this thread, as the Tascam USB drivers (for the US-428 and US-224) are no longer beta. Working flawlessly for everyone, no, but do they ever? tongue.gif

And finally - The US-122 is supposed to be OSX-ready once it hits the market (due soon?), and I would assume the same will be true for the new FW-1884 firewire interface/controller (due May/June).
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