Using Both Firepod, And Motu 896, Using firewires from different companies |
Wed 1 Feb 2006, 07:55

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 21-Sep 05
From: Vallejo - US
Member No.: 70,309

Hi out there, I have been using a Mac G5 with Tiger, DP4.5, and Motu 896 Firewires with no problems. I needed to purchase some firewires with the "input" jacks in the front, for a particular room in my studio. I saw the Presonus Firepod, read the reviews and technical information and thought that these would be a good addition to my set up. However, if I add a Firepod to my set up, via a hub ( the hub has two MOTU 896's, and two Presonus Firepods ), I can't get the audio to "patch" through. The computer recognizes that the device is there, but won't feed the signal through. If I unplug the 896's, I can run the Firepod with no problem. I have tried to run, and route the firewire cables a number of different ways, but cannot come up with anything that works. Has any one else tried this combination of computer/ software/ firewire combo, and had any problems, or solutions.
With this equipment, you might think that I am an established studio, but it's quite the oppisite. I'm starting a new venture to break the rut of the 9 to 5.
Thanks for any help, Kris B.
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